Hanuman Chalisa | by just turned 7-year -old Ishaan

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Hanuman Jyotish Chakra, Hanuman Jyotish Prashnavali

Hanuman Chalisa by just turned 7-year-old Ishaan. As a 3.5-year-old, Ishaan had learnt the Hanuman Chalisa and amazed all of us! The Hanuman Bhakti, continues as he grows. The great Hanuman Bhakt he continues to be, the excitement that he has while learning or reciting the Hanuman Chalisa is amazing for a kid of his age. Though he still has to still fully learn Hindi (our current ongoing project ) and without much knowledge of Sanskrit (even we struggled with it in a school ), that did not dampen his spirit to try and understand and show with actions most parts of the Hanuman Chalisa. His diction, excitement and love for Hanuman is remarkable! (“durgam kaaj” (difficult task) of reciting the Hanuman Chalisa was done by him when as young as 3.5 years, and so today we are not surprised (“achraj naahi”) )

God bless him! Jai Bajrang Bali!!

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